Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hoping for more books.

It's been a while since I sent any books out to my penpals.

Because prisons have strict regulations, I can't send any of my own books or used books. All I can do is send brand new books from the publisher, or directly from a mega-store warehouse, like or That's meant to ensure that nothing "special" arrives with the book, like a spoon to dig their way out, a nail file for getting through bars, scribbled notes in the text that give instructions for building weapons from toilet paper. Or cocaine. There are lots of things not to send into a prison. I'm not even allowed to use white out when I write to them. So it makes perfect sense that used books are not allowed. But that makes sending books expensive.

This bloggy thing is not about me, it's about some real people that are being held captive by the state and need a damn book. But the thing about me that makes this blog needed is that I can't afford to send my friends books. I live a very sparse life and have no savings. My plan is that soon I'll be rolling in cash and my guys will have impressive personal libraries, but not today.

If you have any concerns about whether my pen-pals deserve to have books, then I ask you to question whether any person deserves to be kept captive and without intellectual stimulation for years or decades. We're all part perfect and part fuck-up. If you ever mess up real bad, or people think you do, you could end up imprisoned by the state or federal government too. And I'd send you books (if I could afford it). I think it's clear that NOT allowing folks to have books does not improve society, or the individuals involved.

Your helping me will help the men I write, and that will help their families, which will help their children not grow up to be where the daddies are.

Doing good spreads, help me spread it.

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